Reimagining Church

Thriving Congregations Initiative: New Models for the 21st Century

Dixwell Avenue UCC

The Voices of the Collective

As a culture, we can often feel stuck in a routine, and finding joy in the same old practices can be challenging. When it comes to reimagining church, however, there is something refreshing about shaking up conventional ways of what worshiping together can look like. In the course of the team working together to support the emergence of a new experience for the congregation as an entirety, we’ve had many laughs in the process. A strong team who values teamwork is invaluable in this process.

The Importance of Reimagining Church

We live in a world that is constantly changing and evolving, and the church is no exception. In order to remain relevant and impactful, it is important for the church to periodically reimagine itself. Reimagining, that is the work we are we are doing at Dixwell Congregational Church as we are budding from a pandemic. The church, which was started by enslaved peoples just celebrated 202 years of existence and now we get to think about what the next 200 years will look like. So, what does this process entail?


The Voices of the Collective

By Tamara Fore-Ravelo

As a culture, we can often feel stuck in a routine, and finding joy in the same old practices can be challenging.

The Importance of Reimagining Church

By Tamara Fore-Ravelo

We live in a world that is constantly changing and evolving, and the church is no exception.

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