Reimagining Church

Thriving Congregations Initiative: New Models for the 21st Century

Imagining a Homecoming

Lila Pierce

Becca Stevens, in our group’s meeting with her, asked us what gave us energy. Lila Pierce, a high-school senior who has grown up in Asylum Hill Congregational Church, reflected that after a long season apart, the church needs to imagine a homecoming. Lila offers this reflection.

* * * * * * Restoration of the sense of community that once filled our church has been intensely on our minds. For many of us, we find ourselves missing pieces of the “old church” while simultaneously feeling the need to move onto bigger and better things for our church. For those of us who have grown up in the church, we reflect on our childhood and desire for those coming after us to have the same loving experience that we did. The idea of homecoming and reunion would allow us to strengthen the sense of home that many of us have been longing for since the pandemic while still moving forward in our mission to reimagine church life. It will allow us to feel the congregation’s presence and encouragement on our journey of reimagining. By combining values of our past and ideas for the future, as a congregation we can become the best version of ourselves. -Lila Pierce, Asylum Hill Congregational Church * * * * * *

Image | Photo by John Cafazza on Unsplash
