Reimagining Church

Thriving Congregations Initiative: New Models for the 21st Century


The Reimagining Church Project

The Reimagining Church Project, a Lilly Endowment funded program, invites churches to consider their present ministry, the needs for vital churches in a post-pandemic world, and the options that are before them for envisioning new directions in ministry. Each year of the four-year project, up to ten churches from across Connecticut work with YDS students, Yale faculty, and visionary leaders. The first cohort began their work together in September of 2021. The third cohort of congregations is currently beginning their reimagining process.
Participating churches create working groups of five members, plus the pastor, to imagine together the post-pandemic future of the congregation, and then to take some action steps to live into that new future. Congregations are partnered with a Yale Divinity School student in their final year of study who walks alongside the working group, facilitating meetings and getting to know the congregation. Congregation members and student facilitators post their reflections on the ongoing process on this site. 
Visiting visionary leaders guide the congregations in workshops that consider the congregation’s faith-filled history and where God is leading them in justice-seeking and society-transforming efforts in the future. Our hope is that communities of faith from near and from far can learn from the efforts of these congregations and be inspired by their witness.

Latest Visionary Leadership Workshop

Reimagining Church with Rev. Tyler Sit