Reimagining Church

Thriving Congregations Initiative: New Models for the 21st Century

Woodmont UCC

church exterior

Woodmont United Church of Christ is a Christian community located in the Woodmont borough of Milford, CT. We live our communal life with the following Core Values in mind: promoting spiritual growth; creating Scripture-driven, exuberant worship; championing peace and justice for all; embracing diversity, while welcoming all with unconditional love; caring for God’s creation through mission to people and the environment; and seeking the will of a forgiving God.

Woodmont UCC is a proud member of the United Church of Christ denomination, and we have been an Open and Affirming congregation since 2005.  Most recently, anti-racism work has been a key marker of our church’s ministry, and is prominently featured in our Sunday morning worship services. As we look forward together, we are excited to continue to discern the Spirit’s work in our midst!


The Spirit’s Work is Never Finished

By Amanda Bryant

I concluded my first reflection on the Reimagining Church process with the following: “The soul of Woodmont UCC is clearly alive.

‘Tis the [liminal] Season

By Bettina Thiel

We like to refer to Advent as THE Season – the season of waiting, of decorating, of shopping.

The Risk of Reimagining

By Amanda Bryant

A few weeks ago, the Woodmont UCC Reimagining Church working group hosted a dinner conversation for those in the congregation interested

How to Imagine Where You’re Going When You Don’t Know Where You’ve Been

By Amanda Bryant

Institutions have souls.