Reimagining Church

Thriving Congregations Initiative: New Models for the 21st Century

Woodmont UCC

Woodmont UCC

Woodmont United Church of Christ is a Christian community located in the Woodmont borough of Milford, CT. We live our communal life with the following Core Values in mind: promoting spiritual growth; creating Scripture-driven, exuberant worship; championing peace and justice for all; embracing diversity, while welcoming all with unconditional love; caring for God’s creation through mission to people and the environment; and seeking the will of a forgiving God.


The Spirit’s Work is Never Finished

By Amanda Bryant

I concluded my first reflection on the Reimagining Church process with the following: “The soul of Woodmont UCC is clearly alive.

‘Tis the [liminal] Season

By Bettina Thiel

We like to refer to Advent as THE Season – the season of waiting, of decorating, of shopping.

The Risk of Reimagining

By Amanda Bryant

A few weeks ago, the Woodmont UCC Reimagining Church working group hosted a dinner conversation for those in the congregation interested

How to Imagine Where You’re Going When You Don’t Know Where You’ve Been

By Amanda Bryant

Institutions have souls.

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